Art Making Apps

Here is a list of FREE art-making apps for Windows PC that students can use for their creative endeavors, along with provided links for each. Keep in mind that while some apps are labeled as suitable for beginners, advanced users can also find value in them for specific projects or preferences. It's a good idea to explore a few of these apps to determine which one aligns best with your skill level and creative goals. Be sure to check the Video Tutorials section to learn more about some of these apps!

Krita - a powerful open-source painting program that offers a wide range of tools and features for digital artists. 

Suitability: Both Beginners and Advanced Users 

Download Krita

GIMP - a versatile image editing software that's suitable for various creative projects, from photo manipulation to graphic design. 

Suitability: Advanced Users 

Download GIMP 

Inkscape - is a vector graphics editor that's ideal for creating illustrations, logos, and other scalable graphics.

Suitability: Advanced Users 

 Download Inkscape 

FireAlpaca - a lightweight painting program that's easy to use and suitable for both beginners and more advanced artists.

Suitability: Beginners 

 Download FireAlpaca 

Medibang Paint - a user-friendly drawing and painting application with a variety of brushes and pre-made backgrounds. 

Suitability: Both Beginners and Advanced Users 

Download Medibang Paint 

Paint.NET - is a user-friendly image and photo editing software that offers a good balance of basic and advanced features. 

Suitability: Both Beginners and Advanced Users 

Download Paint.NET

Artweaver Free - a full-featured painting program with a variety of brushes and tools for digital artists. 

Suitability: Both Beginners and Advanced Users 

Download Artweaver Free

SmoothDraw - a straightforward interface for digital painting, suitable for beginners and those looking for a simple tool. 

Suitability: Beginners 

Download SmoothDraw

Pinta - an open-source drawing and editing program that's similar to Paint.NET, providing basic image manipulation tools. 

Suitability: Both Beginners and Advanced Users 

Download Pinta

Sketchpad - an online drawing and painting tool with a simple interface and various drawing tools, making it great for beginners.

Suitability: Beginners - a collaborative online drawing and painting tool that enables multiple users to work together in real time.

Suitability: Both Beginners and Advanced Users 

Pixilart - allows users to create pixel art and animations directly in the browser. It caters to both beginners and more experienced pixel artists.

Suitability: Both Beginners and Advanced Users

Sketchtoy - lets users create quick and simple drawings that can be replayed as animations, making it suitable for beginners experimenting with digital art.

Suitability: Beginners