Middle School Art 

Welcome to the Art 7 and 8 page! Here you can find information about the middle school art courses taught by Mr. Strader. Currently, this page includes frequently asked questions, course corrections policies, and links to specific course resources. Make sure to bookmark this page on your browser and stay tuned for further updates throughout the semester! 

       Course FAQs

Are we required to create or purchase a sketchbook?

The download of Tux Paint in the lesson is unsuccessful/the link is broken!

How do I submit my assignments?

What's the process for transferring my artwork to my computer?

What supplies do I need for this art course?

Can I use digital tools for assignments?

How will my work be graded?

How can I get help if I'm struggling with an assignment?

Are there any art history components in the course?

Can I work ahead if I finish assignments early?

Will I receive feedback on my assignments?

Can I collaborate with classmates on projects?

Is there a final project or assessment for this course?

       Course Grading and Corrections Policy

Extra Credit

Portfolio Corrections

Quizzes and Quick Checks